Wednesday, June 7: Collective Intelligence

I very much enjoyed this article because of its deep discussion of reality online and in the real world. I found this article especially interesting because the author made his opinion clear about freedom on the Internet. I liked when he said, “The fact that everything is possible on the Internet reveals mankind’s true essence, the aspiration towards freedom,” because I never really thought about the Internet being this type of place, but it truly is. The Internet allows us to do whatever we want. Order things we can’t get elsewhere, talk to others that are across the world about whatever we want, find information, etc. The author also points out that the Internet reveals “…the true hierarchy of good…” but I want to mention that I think the Internet also reveals bad stuff as well. The Internet allows us to cyber bully and participates in other activities that are illegal or frowned upon. But this is just another factor that represents freedom on the Internet.


  1. Monica,

    I agree with your post today because today's reading was actually my favorite so far. If you think about it, it's amazing to think back to 10 years ago when social media wasn't even a thing and the only type of interaction millennials had online was through AOL instant messenger. But, the internet over the years has given us the communication freedom that every individual deserves and even though in today's society a lot of that can be sometimes harmful, everyone still has that freedom to do as they please and I believe that was the message the writer was trying to get across throughout this article.

  2. The quote you used in your post also resonated with me during this reading. When I read that quote I realized just how large the Internet and Cyberspace itself is becoming. One of the main points I took out of this article was that we should accept how large Cyberspace is already, and that through this acceptance we can have the freedom to create basically an entire new world. There are many negative aspects of the Internet, as you spoke about in your blog, but I think that is where the power of us come into play. If we take on Cyberspace as an innovation and realize that it is where our world is heading, we will have much more power over how it is used. Great post!

  3. Monica,

    I believe you wrote your thoughts regarding the article in a clear way. I personally found this article to present fascinating ideas regarding Cyberspace as well as the community aspect it offers. I appreciate how you highlighted the idea of freedom. The internet is somewhat of a hub for individuals to express their own ideas regarding any topic they choose. Because Cyberspace is very present within our daily lives, it has truly made a significant impact within our society today however I also mentioned that people post/do negative things on the internet as well. Within the article, Lévy discusses how he believes that we as humans can be in the position to “invent a new human reality". Do you think that individuals are capable of creating a "perfect" reality? Great job!

  4. I really enjoyed this article too and found it very interesting. I like how you pointed out the idea of freedom. We can essentially be whoever we want to be on the internet. I took a class about Cyberspace and it was interesting to learn about why people may may themselves appear a certain way online and how they manipulate other people into thinking they are a certain person. When it comes to online profiles people only post things that they want others to see so it essentially creates a more perfect life than they have.

  5. Hey Monica,

    I really like your blog post and I think you did a great job of this post. To be honestly, people are relying on Internet and Cyberspace, they are so important in our daily life. Just like you said we have enough freedom of the Internet, we can buy the staff we like online that from thousand miles away, we can be certain people we want to be, those all because we have the freedom. On the other hands, people also do the negative things online, and do you think that we can create a better online community? Thank you for sharing


  6. I enjoyed this article as much as you did! Im so amazed at how far we have come in terms of the internet and what people can access now compared to a few years ago. Like the article mentioned I really think its cool that we have the freedom to do whatever we want on the internet. We can talk to someone across the globe with just the click of a button, it's so fascinating to me how the internet and technology has given us the gateway to so many things. I agree with what you said at the end, with all this good stuff comes with some bad stuff and I think that there are definitely some things that are bad on the internet. But like you said that comes with the freedom and I agree.


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