Thursday, June 8: Cultivating Communities of Practice

Online Collaboration Principles by: D.R. Garrison of University of Calgary

I chose to read a PDF about the principles of online collaboration. I thought this article was very helpful in my understanding of online collaboration because not only did the article tell the principles of online collaboration, but it also explained them in great detail. I learned about the links between social presence and a sense of community and also between community and learning. The principles all explained a way of establishing a community through online collaboration. In my opinion, the most important principle for online collaboration is under social presence: Establish a climate that will create a community of inquiry. I found this to be the most important principle because in order to have successful collaboration online, for instance, Youtube or Wikipedia, you must create a comfortable setting for users to use. Creating a comfortable climate for users will create a community of inquiry. Another important principle that is listed under cognitive presence is “Encourage and support the progression of inquiry through resolution.” This means in order to encourage and support the progression of inquiry, we must find the solution to the inquiry.


  1. Monica,

    Great post today and I like how much detail you added about the article you read in order to understand today's reading more. I also read another article to get a better understanding of what a community of practice actually means but from reading both articles today, I realized that an online community of practice basically acts as an assembly line where everyone has a certain task to do but they use technology to communicate with each other in order to get the job done efficiently. I actually found today's reading for our class to be interesting because it describes what an online community of practice means by using cars and engineers different types of jobs.

  2. Monica,
    I think that your post today was fantastic and a lot of things into perspective for me. Some of these class readings are a lot to digest and I find it very helpful to read the blog posts by my classmates to make more sense of them. I enjoy the section of your post that talks about talks about the importance of comfortability with users to use your collaboration tool, like a wikipedia or youtube where a large easy to reach community has been created.

  3. Monica,

    I believe you wrote a great post because you explained the multiple concepts in a clear way. I also think that the article you chose to read regarding the principles of online collaboration was fascinating because it emphasized the importance as well as linked both community and learning together. I find that when a group of people come together by a common interest for instance, they can gain different perspectives and learn from one another. In my blog post, I wrote about communities of practice and how they develop a skill-set to learn from one another so that they can grow both personally and professionally. I believe this is a great way to practice essential communication skills. I have interned for many companies throughout my high school and college career and have noticed that a majority of the issues within the work setting stem from miscommunication. Do you think that interpersonal communication skills should be taught in high school? Great work!

  4. I liked how you were able to explain the concepts and I really liked what the article that you chose talked about. I think that it is very important to learn the benefits of collaboration and how we can benefit from it. I think that in order for a society to grow that have to effectively collaborate. It is essential for globalization and creating better ways and ideas to do things. If people keep doing what they are doing and ignoring the advancements of the world around them, then their old ways will not be effective.

  5. Hi Monica,

    I really enjoyed read your blog post and I think you did a great job. I like the example that you gave about Wikipedia, and I agree that you point out when people collaborate together encourage and support the progression of inquiry, we must find the solution to the inquiry. This is exactly explained Wikipedia, the certain people together and solve the terms to people who don't know it. These collaboration is based on the certain people who have same goal to solve the phrase. Great post.

  6. Great post first of all, you did a very good job of explaining all the principles that are needed to establish a community. There is so many pieces to the puzzle of online collaboration that each article is giving me a new perspective even when I think I know it all! I agree that this article did a good job at explaining the ‘glue’ of what makes an online collaboration work. I like the social presence example that you used because I completely agree that people need to feel comfortable in order to participate. As well as supporting each other if we want to progress and succeed in this world of online collaboration.


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