Tuesday June 20: Spreadable Media

I enjoyed this article a lot because it pointed out the impact of spreadable media on our society. We have experienced hundreds of changes as technology has become more advanced. The article gave multiple examples of ways we pass media along; for instance, retweeting tweets, forwarding emails, texting people, etc. All of these examples were created relatively recently since technology began advancing and media became more popular. "Spreadable" content is another way of saying 'sharing media' with other people. This has become especially prominent as social media platforms because so popular. It's crazy to think of a time when there wasn't internet or cell phones. The article also pointed out that is important to realize that the fact that everyone uses social media isn't the only reason circulation occurred, but it is also focused on the practices that made the new platforms popular.


  1. Hi,

    I really enjoyed this article as well! I thought it was interesting to read about how content has become so spreadable because that is something that is so relevant within our society today. I completely agree with you that it all has to do with the advancement in technology. The spreadable content has become more prominent in the past few years due to the fact that technology has made this concept so easy.

  2. Monica,

    I also really liked today's reading because it showed how crazy the online communities of the media can be. I felt personally connected to it since I'm a journalism major and have worked at multiple outlets before. Everyone is communicating with each other at all times because if you make a mistake in print, EVERYONE will hate on you for it. I agree that it's crazy to think that just a few years ago, people were communicating either in person or over email but, now it's become a lot more diverse than that. We are all constantly connected whether it's through social platforms or through other resources - it's become a necessity in our society today.

  3. I completely agree, we lived in a much simpler time. All this technology is amazing, but it’s a little alarming when we can no longer interact as humans and mainly text, chat or video chat. Technology has given us the power to stay connected from all parts of the world, but we have to be able to find a balance. It was a very interesting read and think you summed it up perfectly.

  4. Monica,
    I agree that due to the vast advancement in technology over the past few years, it is overwhelming how much content is available as well as spreadable. Within today's society, we can instantly be connected with a friend from across the globe, and send pictures and videos to them. I found that circulation was a significant concept within the assigned text because when individuals share a picture for example, it circulates and in turn, ultimately shapes the way media is distributed and consumed. Great work!

  5. Hey Monica,

    I really enjoyed reading your post and I think you did a great job for this post. It's amazing that the technology make people connecting with others in every way at any time. Right now I an looking for an intern job in China during this summer, and it's really convenience to connect with the company via multiple platforms, and all of these are because the advancement in technology! Nice post

  6. Hey Monica,

    I completely agree with you. Spreadable media has advanced our form of collaborating. This technology has made it easier for families to stay connected, medical science to post advancements and knowledge to be at our finger tips quicker. It has also made it possible for us to reconnect with old friends, high school classmates and the alike. I for one enjoy spreadable media. I post videos of concerts I have attended for my friends who may not be as fortunate to have been at the event.

  7. It seems like we enjoyed the article for the same reasons. Technology has become so advanced today that we have too many ways to spread our media, you gave good examples of this. I agree with your statement about this all being very new because it is. At the beginning of my freshman year of high school media was not spread as easily because there was less platforms. By the end of my senior year it had become a phenomenon. This is a form of collaboration because when we like a post we wants to retweet it or post it so that our friends can see it. Im equally as amazed by you at how fast the technology world is growing today. I have a lot of siblings and I have watched the technology change from generation to generation. (By generation I mean about a 4 year period), Some of my siblings are older and one of my siblings is younger. They all have grown up and experienced different exposure to media.


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