Monday, June 19: Ch. 10 Meetup

This article taught me about a website that I did not know about before, Meetup, which is a common resource people use to create groups. They create these groups to stand up for what they believe in or find common interests with others. I really like the idea of this website because I believe it can help us create groups that can influence change. Although the article states that most Meetup groups created fail because they are boring and no one joins them, I understand why this website has become so successful since it was created. It inspires me to create a group to make changes for the better around places. I also think it's interesting that groups pay Meetup to help them organize their group meetings. The article explained that Meetup revealed that people are eager to join groups even if they end up failing in the end. I think this proves that Meetup is a great resource for these types of people who are looking for a change. What do you think, do you believe Meetup is a good resource?


  1. Monica,

    I do think that Meetup is a good source and a great example to be used in today's readings. I have never heard about the company until I read today's post and thought it was interesting that because of the purpose of the company, that is what helped them stay successful- since they were popular but otherwise, their groups were failing left and right because some people just couldn't work together. I thought it gave readers a great lesson in saying that it's not the end of the world that internal groups fail as long as the whole company is working together to achieve their mission and that is what will drive them to success.

  2. Monica,
    I also did not know about this website but I also agree with you in my thoughts that it is a great idea for people to have the ability to find people with similar interests and beliefs as them to form groups. I enjoyed reading your post because I had not done this reading for the week yet and always find it easier to do the readings when I have at least a light foundation on the topic before heading into it.

  3. Hi Monica,

    I do think Meetup is a good resource. I also had never heard about Meetup prior to reading this chapter but it was very intriguing to learn about. Although he says most of these groups fail, I do not think that makes it a bad resource. I think it is a great resource for people who are older and may have moved somewhere they don't know anyone. Meetup would allow for them to find similar people and form community groups.

  4. Monica,
    I believe you wrote about the assigned reading in a clear way. I was also unaware of the website before reading this, and found this related to me personally because I love working in groups. I feel that I get a lot accomplished and find it as a great way to gain different perspectives. I thought it was interesting that you mentioned that individuals are eager to join a group even though they might end up failing in the end. In my opinion, even if you do not reach a goal fully, you can still make slight progress, which is better than nothing. Great job!

  5. Hi Monica,
    Just like you I don't know this website before but I do think Meetup is a good resource. I personally think this website is great for people can find others have similar interests as a group. I understand even when the group failed a lot but people still like to create or join the new group, because it's good when you have a place you can share the things you interested in with others. Good job!


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