Wednesday, June 14: Social Media Friendships

I enjoyed reading this article a lot because it explains a situation that I have been wondering about for a very long time. The article explains that we can maintain 150 social friendships. When I read this, I was very surprised because most of everyone that uses Facebook has well over 150 friends. It made me question, what does friendship mean? The author made it clear that he was referring to friendships as a non-sexual, non-family related companionship. This does not include people that we are friends with on Facebook because we aren't actually communicating regularly or even caring what these people have to say. So why do so many people post their personal information for people who aren't even their true friends going to see? I think as time has gone on and the internet has become a more popular place for people to hang out, we have lost the true connection to others that we used to have. By communicating with friends through social media and never actually talking to them outside of the internet, we lose a connection and bond with them because the interaction is less personal. I think the use of the internet has created a lot of fake friends for people because it is hard for us to separate the people who are interested in knowing what we are doing with our lives through Facebook versus people who actually care about what decisions we make throughout our lives. I wish we could experience time without the internet so we would be able to tell who we are actually friends with instead of being fake friends with people because we constantly see them on the internet.


  1. Monica,

    I completely agree with this post you made today. That article was so relatable and makes us think why are we so connected with people that we really never associate with? I never understood it but it seems like society just likes to know what people are doing at all times of the day whether you are really good friends with them or nodded at each other in the hallway once in high school. I found this article to be an enjoyable read since I could relate so much and really made me question why I accept some "friends" on Facebook or "followers" on Twitter and Instagram.

  2. Hi Monica,

    I was also very surprised to read that we can maintain 150 social relationships. I think you make a great point when you question why we even post personal information on social media platforms for people who are not even considered our "friends" to see? I have also questioned this very concept before. It almost baffles me even though I know I do it myself. This article was extremely eye-opening and has made me more aware of the superficialness side of social media.

  3. I think this particular article is interesting for all of us because it is so relatable to our current society. I completely agree that reading about Dunbar's number also made me think about my friendships and also how I utilize Facebook. I think that "friendship" online has a completely different meaning than the original meaning of the word, and this article made me realize how important face-to-face interaction really is. Great post!


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