Tuesday, June 27: Colvin Ch. 1

I really enjoyed reading chapter one of Colvin's book because I have seen a Jeopardy where people verse a computer before and it turned out the same way. I actually didn't know the computer wasn't hooked up to the Internet, but it has been loaded with all the contents from Wikipedia and other websites that allow it to know most of the information it is asked about. In fact, creators actually had to delay the robots response to questions to make it fair for humans. I thought this was crazy because the robot is listening and interpreting just as a human is. I think the computers are amazing and have helped our society in tremendous ways. I don't think I will ever understand how someone invented such a useful and high tech object. When Colvin competed against the computer in 2012 it was the size of a bedroom and today it is the size of 3 pizza boxes and is also 2,400 percent faster. This also amazes me because as time goes on electronics get smaller and thinner but also get faster and can hold more information and better apps, etc. The chapter pointed out that it is important to realize that since computers/robots are taking our jobs, we should not frown upon this, we should simply learn about the new skills that are valued. Since technology has become so prominent with basically every job out there, developing skills with computers or other electronics is very smart.


  1. Monica, I also was very interested by this article and have found all the articles from this weeks module to be very interesting. I have seen these videos where human contestants face a computer and it is so interesting to me but also almost even scary to me just how much computers are able to do at this point. You also bring up a good point that it is important in the job markets today to be able to keep up with the latest technologies for your value to a company.

  2. Monica,

    I also really liked this reading because it just goes to prove that we are still needed in the industry of creativity and that's really important because technology controls such a large part of our society today and it's hard to figure out how you can be different from that. I enjoyed this reading because it gave me hope that business and innovation isn't dead in our society. Ideas come from somewhere and computers are just the tool to spit it all together for you so I really appreciated this.

  3. Monica:
    It was very interesting to me too how a computer can participate in a game such as Jeopardy and interact against live humans even if they made a few adjustments like answer time using a buzzer. Not having the computer connected to the internet but loaded with all sorts of information I found it cray how the computer could sort through all the programmed information in such a sort answer time frame. It goes to show how much information humans can absorb and memorize. Our brains are as smart or active as a computer. So, with that, humans advantages over computers is that we can think on our feet and react to a situation based on emotion, resources and direct knowledge but can computers do the same? I do not think so.


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