Thursday, June 29: How Successful Virtual Teams Collaborate

I very much enjoyed reading this article because it gave multiple tips on how to be successful while using online collaboration. When we worked on our group collaboration project, I found that I had a lot of trouble coming in contact with my group members and it was very difficult for us to come up things we agreed on to include in our powerpoint. Because of this, we kind of just added what we thought we needed to include in our own slides. Although this worked for our project, it would not have worked in a work environment because I don't think what we worked on could have been considered collaboration since we barely discussed and just included what we wanted to. In a work setting I think it's going to be very important to actually collaborate and discuss with your coworkers on what should be done and make sure that everyone agrees because if real work is done the way my group and I collaborated, information may get repeated or even worse, not even make sense. I thought the tips given in the article were very helpful for online collaboration and I wish I could've read this article before we began the group project. Doing the group project taught me a lot about online collaboration and it's difficulties and reading How Successful Virtual Teams Collaborate explained useful tips on how to help get through the difficulties I experienced.
The article I chose to read this week was about two companies that collaborated to create an online place that provides tools, tips and ideas for educators to inspire others. I thought this was a great read because it talked about online collaboration in order to help others.


  1. Monica,

    I also really liked this article because it gave tips on how to be successful while doing online collaboration. I've learned from this class that it can be difficult at times when you and your group members are in different parts of the country and trying to fulfill a project but also meet deadlines efficiently. For other online classes that I've taken through the UA, it was pretty straight forward what we had to work on in our group projects and we were still able to meet together even though the class didn't meet in person ever. We took that initiative to see each other and collaborate in person because we had the opportunity to connect online and figure out that we were all on campus at a certain time of the day. Working in a group is hard enough but doing it online can even more tough.

  2. This article was personally a very useful reading for me. Virtual collaboration can be very difficult depending on the terms and within this reading the writer does an excellent job expressing helpful tools to lead your team to success. I liked the personal example you used about your experience with virtual collaboration regarding are group collaboration project. Agreeing is usually a difficult task to overcome depending on who you are working with. Great job on your overall post!

  3. Monica,
    I found this to be a very interesting and useful article as well. It was a pretty long one to read and difficult as well. I think that after reading your post however it cleared a lot of things up for me. Great post!

  4. I love how you related the article to our group collaboration project. My group acted similar to yours in that we kind of just assigned our own topics and slides and worked on it individually. I completely agree that in a work environment this would probably not been the best way to go about a group project. This article points out the beneficial aspects of group collaboration and I think that many group projects and assignments would turn out even better if a good group mentality and collaboration was always present. Great post!


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