Thursday, June 22: The Power of Collaboration

I really enjoyed reading this story because it was a great example of how collaboration can make you extremely successful. After all, why would you choose one brain if you can collaborate with more and come up with diverse ideas different from your own? I think that since the Wright's were brothers, they had an advantage of having the same interests and knowing everything about each other because I believe that would make you very in sync. Although, I think it would also be an advantage to have two completely different partners collaborating on ideas because they can get insight from different backgrounds.
The article I read about for class this week was about a new Microsoft Office Integration that is meant to help encourage team collaboration online. The new resource allows users to edit their own documents and also let others view/edit them as well if they are interested in collaborating. It's called Huddle and it started in California. Businesses are very excited about it because it's one of the first collaboration with Microsoft that allows people to edit each others documents through the cloud. (like Google Drive)


  1. Monica,

    I also really enjoyed today's read because it gave a great example and a sense of hope that it is still possible to be successful even if you have to share the title with someone else. More minds, the better - in some cases. I read an article today related to success in the workplace based on collaboration and found that all of the sources had something different to say but one medium that they could agree on was that teamwork of some sort is extremely important and I found that extremely interesting.

  2. Monica, I enjoy this post from you because I had not read nor heard about this and find it very interesting. I had not heard of a platform that not only can you see others work but edit it as well and think that this is an idea that has a lot of worth and potential to expand. I think that this is a collaboration tool and technology that would do particularly well in the university setting especially in paper writing. Great post!

  3. Hi Monica,

    I really like your point when you state that you believe the Wright brothers had an advantage because they had the same interests and knew everything about each other. This wasn't something I had thought about before. I also think it would be extremely beneficial for the collaboration partners to be from completely different backgrounds bringing different perspectives into the mix. I really enjoyed your post overall! You make a lot of great points based on the reading.


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