Monday, June 26: Human Vs. the Robot Apocalypse

Listening to this talk show made me think a lot about our society and how it works. I find it very interesting that robots are becoming very popular for large companies because they are fast and efficient. Companies save a lot of money by using machines instead of humans because they don't have to pay anyone. This is great for the company owner but not great for everyone else in the world because we need jobs to make money to survive. The people in the talk show discussed a lot of the advantages and disadvantages of robots taking over and what's going to happen in the future. I enjoyed listening to this because it showed me a different perspective on how people feel about what's happening to our society. Although it is efficient and fast, there can also be a lot of issues with robots. It was mentioned during the talk show that hacking can definitely be an issue. This is bad because if a hacker hacks into machines or robots, they could mess up a lot of stuff. I think that is definitely something to worry about as we continue to buy electronics and robots.


  1. I listened to the "Humans Vs. The Robot Apocalypse" and found it extremely eye opening as well. It's crazy to think our world has already evolved so much we are close to the point to robot workers. I mean what could this possibly mean for the rest of humanity? more robots mean’s no jobs and I couldn't imagine it getting to this point. I enjoyed your outlook on the podcast, definitely agreed with majority of you post, great job.


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