Tuesday, June 6: Collaborative Rhythms

Collaborative rhythms can be described as mapping the change in something as time goes on. The growth of plants and the change of seasons are just a couple of examples of collaborative rhythm. There are multiple categories that describe each rhythm we experience. Biographical rhythms represent the rhythm of children, relationships, births etc. Phenomenal rhythms describe the rhythms we see in nature and science like animals mating or snow melting. I think these rhythms are collaborative because it takes a lot of scientists and researchers to discover why these things happen. The quote given by an ecologist (pg 6) explaining how some rhythms take decades or longer to research and learn about. This requires collaborative work because scientists record data of nature that is passed on to other scientists who record their own data as time goes on. This proves the importance of collaboration and the rhythms that are created.


  1. Monica,

    I enjoyed reading your blog post because you summarized the assigned reading in a clear and concise way. I also appreciate how you proved the significance of both rhythms and collaboration. The text discussed how communication is essential to collaboration because different individuals (ex. scientists and researchers) must work together to reach a common goal. In my blog post, I discussed the importance of time and how it is essential to overcome the various communication challenges with scheduling meetings and phone calls for instance, in which can ultimately greatly impact collaboration. When I was in high school, I co-directed a play with another student and we found it very helpful to communicate our ideas to the best of our ability and try to stay on the same page so that there was little to no miscommunication in order to meet our deadlines. What digital tools do you suggest groups use to aid in communicating with one another in a productive manner? Great work!

  2. Monica,

    I enjoyed your post today and the way you summarized collaborative rhythms. You mentioned the rhythms in an interesting way which showed that you understood the reading material. I found the reading to be a bit difficult to understand at times but the part that I found most interesting was how the article talking about timing and collaboration. Timing is literally everything and when you are working with a team who has to meet deadlines, falling behind on time due to miscommunications can be really strenuous and frankly, something that no one wants to deal with. Overall, great post today!

  3. This is a great post for me to read because personally, I had a hard time understanding this reading on Collaborative Rhythms. You summarized biographical and phenomenal rhythms well and I definitely understand them better now. I wrote similarly in my blog post about infrastructural rhythms and I found it interesting to apply certain things such as "factory time" to collaborative rhythms. These examples definitely help to understand the overall meaning of rhythms in the collaborative sense. Great post!


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